The Squibber is the Bob Davids chapter’s quarterly newsletter. It is emailed to chapter members roughly every three months. If you’re a Bob Davids chapter member and are not getting the Squibber, please check that your email address and chapter affiliations listed on the SABR site
Summer time for Squibbin’
Members, look in your inboxes for links to our chapter newsletter, The Squibber. The latest issue includes the following articles: MINOR LEAGUE OUTING IN POTOMAC: Still Time to Sign Up HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN: Annual Major League Outing
Fall Squibber is Back
Members, check your email for the September 2015 edition of the chapter’s quarterly newsletter. Articles include: BOB DAVIDS WELCOMES BABE RUTH: New Baltimore Chapter Formed, by D. Bruce Brown TALKIN’ BASEBALL: Upcoming Talks Scheduled, by Dave Paulson MINOR LEAGUE MEETING
Spring 2015 Squibber Sprouts
The April 2015 edition of the chapter newsletter, “The Squibber,” is now available. Members, check your email for a plain text copy of the newsletter and instructions on how to get a .pdf version. Submissions for future editions can be
Winter 2014 Squibber Lands
The latest issue of The Squibber, the chapter’s quarterly newsletter, has landed in members’ email boxes. Articles included are: 1. ANNUAL CHAPTER MEETING ON JAN. 31: ‘Hondo’ on Tap, by Mark Pattison 2. TALKIN’ BASEBALL: Upcoming
Autumn 2013 Squibber Arrives
Members, check your inbox for the Bob David Chapter’s latest quarterly newletter, The Squibber. This month’s articles include: NOT YOUR GREAT-GRANDFATHER’S ORIOLES: Inaugural A.L. Season Kicked Off in Baltimore, by Fred Glueckstein TALKIN’ BASEBALL: Upcoming Talks Scheduled, by Dave Paulson
Summer 2013 Squibber Reaches Members
Chapter members, check your email for the latest edition of our quarterly newsletter, The Squibber. Articles in this edition include: All-Star Memories: The Rain, the Park and the 1969 All-Star Game, By Jeff Stuart Golf Tourney Planned : Event Will